• BINUS @Greater Jakarta BINUS @Greater Jakarta
  • BINUS @Bekasi BINUS @Bekasi
Jenjang Studi
Berlaku untuk jenjang studi berikut ini
  • Doctor
  • Master
  • Online Master
Artikel ini hanya untuk calon mahasiswa


Persyaratan & Kelengkapan Berkas:

  1. Nama Terdaftar Pada https://pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id/
  2. Pas Foto Terbaru
  3. Scan Asli Ijazah S1
  4. Scan Asli Transkrip Nilai S1
  5. Scan Asli Akte Kelahiran
  6. Scan Asli Kartu Keluarga
  7. Scan Asli Kartu Identitas (KTP/Paspor)
  8. Scan Asli Sertifikat TOEFL (Optional)
  9. 2 surat rekomendasi dengan kriteria pemberi rekomendasi sebagai berikut :
    •  Keluarga & Rekan (Sudah Menempuh S2, dan Wajib Menuliskan Gelar S2 di Belakang Nama)
    • Atasan Tempat Perusahaan Bekerja (Boleh Lulusan S1/S2/S3)
    • Dosen S1
    • HRD Tempat Perusahaan Bekerja (Boleh Lulusan S1/S2/S3)
  10. Curriculum Vitae


Fill the application form and submit the following requirements:

  1. 1 (one) legalized photocopy of Diploma : Sarjana (S1) or Bachelor Degree certificate & transcript (legalized by DIKTI if graduates from overseas University)
  2. 1 (one) legalized photocopy of the latest Sarjana (S2) or Graduated Degree certificate & transcript (legalized by DIKTI if graduates from overseas University)
  3. 2 (two) pieces 3 x 4 pictures
  4. 1 (one) photocopy of birth certificate
  5. 2 letters of recommendation with the following criteria :
    • Family or colleague (who has a doctoral degree, and must put the title in their name)
    • Direct supervisor at workplace (can hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree)
  6. Curriculum Vitae (CV) with Job Description
  7. Statement letter from direct supervisor
  8. Statement letter from sponsorship