• BINUS @Greater Jakarta BINUS @Greater Jakarta
  • BINUS @Bandung BINUS @Bandung
  • BINUS @Malang BINUS @Malang
  • BINUS @Semarang BINUS @Semarang
  • BINUS @Bekasi BINUS @Bekasi
Academic Career
Applies to the following academic careers
  • Undergraduate
  • Undergraduate (Bandung)
  • Undergraduate (Malang)
  • Undergraduate (Semarang)
This article is for future student only


ACADEMIC YEAR 2025/2026 (First Class on September 2025)

Form Fulfillment
 1.      Complete an Application Form (www.binus.ac.id/daftaronline)

2.       Submit photographs

3.      Letter certifying proof of non color blindness from eye specialist (for Architecture, Visual Communication Design-Animation, Visual Communication Design-Creative Advertising, Visual Communication Design-New Media, Biotechnology, Interior Design and Interactive Design).

4.      Certificate of good health (for Hotel Management and Business Hotel Management)

Registration Types:

1.      Regular, the candidates are high school graduation.

2.      Scholarship, consist of Partial Scholarship and The Widia Scholarship for Outstanding Achievers (Full Scholarship).

The Entrance Test (Tes Potensi Keberhasilan Studi)
· Every candidate must do the entrance test based on given schedule at website
· The candidates must prepare his/her identity card (National ID/Driving License/Student card), 2B pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, and ruler (especially for registrant of Architecture, Visual Communication Design-Animation, Visual Communication Design-Creative Advertising, Visual Communication Design-New Media, Fashion and Interior Design)
· The candidates is suggested to come 30 minutes before the test begin. The candidate who attend more than thirty minutes late will not allowed doing the test.
· The candidates must dress neatly.
· The candidates for Hotel Management and Business Hotel Management are required to wear formal clothes, which for the Men shall wear long-sleeved white shirt and black trousers and work shoes. While for Women shall wear long-sleeved white shirt and black skirt material and work shoes.
· Entrance test material : Logic, Abstraction-Non-Verbal, and Verbal test. There will be additional test for several program/major (Architecture, Visual Communication Design-Animation, Visual Communication Design-Creative Advertising, Visual Communication Design-New Media, Hotel Management, Business Hotel Management, Fashion, Interior Design, English – Creative Digital English, Primary Teacher Education, Interactive Design and Technology, Digital Business Innovation, Master Track Programs, and Global Class Programs).
· It is suggested not to bring precious thing during the test. BINUS UNIVERSITY is not responsible to any loss of the things.
· The entrance test result is confidential and final.
BINUS UNIVERSITY only accepted candidates who enroll in accordance to the rules applied in this institution. BINUS UNIVERSITY is also not responsible to any risk that may arise in relation with the illegal persons who offer a guaranteed help and service and claim themselves as “The insider” or “Related to the Insider” in the effort of entering BINUS UNIVERSITY.We do suggest the Candidate not to be persuaded by the ´promising´ offer from that irresponsible illegal person.
Result Announcement
All candidates who attend the entrance test can check the result via Admisi Online (www.binus.ac.id/daftaronline). If the candidates pass the entrance test, the candidates should complete and return the re-registration document via Admisi Online or direct to Admission office.
The re-registration procedural will be individually explained in the re-registration guideline together with the re-registration form.
Procedures For New Student´s Resignation and Refund
Conditions Kinds of Refund
Development Fee Tuition Fee Administration Charge
The Candidate is declared
NOT PASSING the Senior High School
(SMTA) or equivalent (has School Statement Letter)
Refundable Refundable Rp. 5.000.000,-
The Candidate is accepted,
at the same time has taken the process of
Re-registration in a Public University (PTN) included in
the list of Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia*,
level Stratum-1 (S1), except Universitas Terbuka and PTN organized by other ministries
Refundable Refundable Rp. 5.000.000,-
Other than point No. 1 and No. 2 above There are no refunds / transfers of any kind

*list of public universities (PTN) under Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia can be seen at this link https://pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id
* Due Date is 31st August 2025 for academic year 2025/2026