Berlaku di :
  • BINUS @Greater Jakarta


Persyaratan & Kelengkapan Berkas:

  1. Nama Terdaftar Pada
  2. Pas Foto Terbaru
  3. Scan Asli Ijazah S1
  4. Scan Asli Transkrip Nilai S1
  5. Scan Asli Akte Kelahiran
  6. Scan Asli Kartu Keluarga
  7. Scan Asli Kartu Identitas (KTP/Paspor)
  8. Scan Asli Sertifikat TOEFL (Optional)
  9. 2 surat rekomendasi dengan kriteria pemberi rekomendasi sebagai berikut :
    •  Keluarga & Rekan (Sudah Menempuh S2, dan Wajib Menuliskan Gelar S2 di Belakang Nama)
    • Atasan Tempat Perusahaan Bekerja (Boleh Lulusan S1/S2/S3)
    • Dosen S1
    • HRD Tempat Perusahaan Bekerja (Boleh Lulusan S1/S2/S3)
  10. Curriculum Vitae


Fill the application form and submit the following requirements:

  1. 1 (one) legalized photocopy of Diploma : Sarjana (S1) or Bachelor Degree certificate & transcript (legalized by DIKTI if graduates from overseas University)
  2. 1 (one) legalized photocopy of the latest Sarjana (S2) or Graduated Degree certificate & transcript (legalized by DIKTI if graduates from overseas University)
  3. 2 (two) pieces 3 x 4 pictures
  4. 1 (one) photocopy of birth certificate
  5. 2 letters of recommendation with the following criteria :
    • Family or colleague (who has a doctoral degree, and must put the title in their name)
    • Direct supervisor at workplace (can hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree)
  6. Curriculum Vitae (CV) with Job Description
  7. Statement letter from direct supervisor
  8. Statement letter from sponsorship